Tax day — is a fat tax coming?

Today is Tax Day… that wonderful day that everyone strikes a check to their government.  Just read an interesting “tax” article from across the pond.  Apparently, medical providers are arguing that the government should tax fatty foods due to the added cost that obese people have on government-run health care. I am sure whether it works or fails over there, we will have people clamoring for it over here soon.Can you  imagine the regulations a food tax would have? Little Debbie would have the best lobbyists money could buy and your Nutty Buddies would each cost $1 more to pay for it.  (not that you should be eating nutty buddies, but still). I read that the U.S. Tax Code already had more words than all the collected works of Shakespeare combined.  I had to take income tax in law school — talk about ridiculous.

 The author proposed (tongue in cheek, I think) having a “fat tax.”  Each year, your BMI would be calculated and if you were outside the guidelines, you would pay a higher tax. Personally, I think both proposals are ridiculous.  My government cannot spend less than it earns (or takes), do I really want bureaucrats dictating what I eat.  First step toward Soylent Green, people!! Haha!!

So I am going to keep doing INSANITY, watching my calories through, and drinking my Shakeology. I hope that by the time the “fat tax” becomes reality, I am getting a refund!! 

What are you going to do?

12 comments on “Tax day — is a fat tax coming?

  1. I would agree that I don’t want anyone, especially the government, dictating what I eat. But with an estimated 21% of health care costs being related to obesity, I can understand the arguments for a “fat tax” from employers (or other payers) who have to pay the high insurance costs for the obesity-related illnesses of their employees…which are passed along to everyone, including the healthy.
    I like your idea of a refund. They say people are motivated by money. I think if people got refunds on a sliding scale of healthyness, more people would strive to be fit, thus reducing those obesity-related illnesses and costs! 🙂

    • I was definitely talking tongue in cheek on the refund thing. So we take money from those who are out of shape and give it to those who are in shape? If employers or companies wanted to do that and you had other alternatives if you didnt want to participate, I might be ok with it. Have to think about that one. Not to be too political, but I agree with Thoreau: ‘That government is best which governs least.’”
      ~ Henry David Thoreau

  2. Diet Drop says:

    Haha, I agree. If my excess weight is taxed, will there be tax incentives/breaks for weight loss programs, equipment, trainers, etc.? I did some drill-sergeant-like classes at a gym before my wedding and it worked for me, temporarily, but I don’t think I’d want the actual military in charge of my workout routine. Good luck! 🙂 Michelle @DietDrop

  3. First thing people should be aware of is that healthcare in the uk is 100% free. You don’t leave the docs or hospital with a bill and only pay a small amount for drugs that are prescribed. I don’t know where I stand on this yet. I don’t buy into the idea, which is often banded around, that it’s cheaper to eat unhealthily than it is to eat healthy which it is often argued. I’m not sure an extra 10p on the price of chocolate will change individuals behaviors but taxes and changes in policies can have sweeping effects. Would it encourage supermarkets, restaurant owners and food manufacturers to offer a wider range of healthy options? We tax other bad things like cigarettes in a bid to influence behavior.

  4. emma says:

    Does having a “fat” tax mean that “fat” people will get more representation, better health care, free behavioral care to understand why they overeat? Ok, sorry, just asking!

  5. dennah0pe says:

    Eat while it’s free?!!
    My insurance company does offer $500 as an incentive to meet their healthy lifestyle standards (to be used for medical purposes) and requires follow up visits to a physician by those who don’t make the grade (obesity, smokers, high bloodwork numbers specifically high cholesterol, triglycerides, and/or blood glucose).

  6. bgddyjim says:

    Great post, and right on the mark.

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