About Me

No, that is not me in the background, its Tony Horton of P90X fame. I’m Scott and that is where I hope my meandering path leads me one day.

I live just outside Birmingham, Alabama with my wife and two kids (three and five). My wife is Coach Crystal of CoachCrystalFitness.com.  I started this blog to document my journey through P90X2 — to answer questions and provide insight of my struggles and successes.

However, knowing myself as I do, I expect this blog to meander.  And that is ok. While this blog is being written because I enjoy writing, I hope you enjoy reading it. I would love to hear from you.  Shoot me a line if you have a question, if you think I am an idiot, or if I made you think.   scott@coachcrystalfitness.com.

P.S. Yes, I know the path behind the title doesn’t meander.  But there are a lot of doors into which I may meander…Ha!

P.P.S. I completed P90X2, have since competed INSANITY (with Shaun T), and have become somewhat addicted to obstacle course racing…check out my blog for all these mini-journeys.

I am on the road to fitness, but it is a long, slow process.  (Heck, I didn’t get so out of shape quickly, now did I?)

39 comments on “About Me

  1. cruz2lose says:

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. : )

  2. Maik says:

    Never done P90X but a fun read!

  3. Returning the favor and nominating you for the the Very Inspiring Blogger and Sunshine Awards 😉

    Happy Training!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m thrilled to have found yours! I have been curious abut P90X so it’ll be great to see your progress.

  5. Hi Scott, thank you for checking out my blog! I’m enjoying going through your posts. Best of luck on your journey 🙂

  6. Gimpwalker says:

    Hi, thanks for liking my blog! I like your style too. But I’m sure glad I’m not in it to lose weight because I really DO like a beer now and then! And no, I will never have abs like Crystal’s.

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  8. lang922 says:

    I LOVE P90X. Awesome.

  9. Being Julz says:

    Thanks for swinging by my blog, imreadytolose.com. I mention the name because if you follow my gravatar it’ll take you to my main blog about violets… might get a bit confusing. I look forward to following your journey through p90x2 and will have to swing by your wife’s site. Good luck! (to both of us) – well, as I’m sure you know, it doesn’t take luck, it takes perseverence and commitment! so – Good Success!!!

  10. Chatter Master says:

    Thanks for coming by my blog. I will check yours out. Good luck with P90X. I loved it when I “did” it. But I couldn’t fit it into my long term workouts…too many activities I did not want to give up. 🙂

  11. W.P. says:

    I’ve been meandering around the path towards a healthy lifestyle, too. I had a choice between P90X or Insanity, but since I didn’t have any equipment, I stuck with Insanity. May our journey be fruitful and fulfilling!

  12. Another award for ya … I just nominated you for the ABC Award! Pop over and pick it up!

  13. Kenton Lewis says:

    Thanks for reading and following. I sort of hope that if I know people besides my immediate family know what I’m doing it will challenge me and egg me on.
    Thanks again,
    Kenton Lewis

  14. sherrylcook says:

    Congratulations! you have been nominated for the
    Very inspiring blogger award! go to my site and pick up the details, it is well deserved! : )

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  15. sherrylcook says:

    I realize you are inudated with awards and here’s another one!
    LOVE your Blog! Your posts are continually inspiring, witty and intelligent!!

    I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

    Rules for the Sunshine Award:
    Link the award to the person who gave it to you.
    Answer the questions that come with it.
    Pass it along to 10 people and let them know they have received it.
    Favorite Color
    Favorite Animal
    Favorite number
    Favorite Non-alcoholic drink
    Facebook or Twitter
    My Passion
    Prefer getting or giving presents
    Favorite pattern
    Favorite Day of the Week
    Favorite Flower

  16. liljomarie says:

    Hi, thank you for liking my post. I enjoy reading your blogs, I find them inspiring and funny. I wish you the best in your incredible journey for health and fitness!!
    Take care
    p.s I will definitely, keep an eye on this blog.

  17. I like your meanderings. In my personal journal, I call them my musings. Keep it up, though. I have been an hour and a half a day, five days a week, for the past three months. I’m liking the changes.

  18. andyisaj says:

    Scott, I’m really impressed by your blog and willingness to share your story. My P90X disks are collecting dust (wife bought and used them for a bit). Guess its my turn to give Horton try. You’ve inspired me!


  19. Tag, you’re nominated!!!AGAIN!!!I have been following you along your journey and I’ve been inspired by so many of your posts. You are making great changes in your life and I know you’re going to continue to make even more. Congratulations! Here’s my link! http://yourtruthdiet.wordpress.com/2012/07/17/and-the-nominees-are/

  20. Saint Stay At Home says:

    Hey, great blog you have going on. Best wishes in your fitness goals!

  21. Good for you, doing P90X2. I’ve been doing the original P90X for 3 years, and I’ve never been in such good shape (couldn’t ever do a “real” pull up before).

  22. My Sister and Brother-in-Law do P90X. I had never heard of it before but they say it works for them. I just run, watch my diet do some stretching and occasional weight training. I look forward to reading your blog and learning more about P90X.

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